Now we get to the good stuff! Logix as a meta-language – a language for creating languages.
In Logix, a language is essentially just a collection of operators. Logix languages do not have a master grammar. Instead, each operator has its own ‘mini-grammar’. Each operator also has a defined binding-value and associativity that determine how operators are combined into expressions. This makes it very easy to add operators to an existing language, without worrying about the nuances of an existing grammar.
Having languages defined by operators rather than by a grammar, is about more than just convenience, it also captures a language design philosophy. This philosophy can be summed up as “first-class, run-time representations for everything”. Python is a great example of a language that adheres to this principle. Java is not.
To illustrate this approach, take method modifiers as an example. In Java, specifying method modifiers is achieved via the grammar – you type the modifiers at the start of the method signature. Suppose however, you don’t want to commit to the modifiers statically. Maybe you want to pull them from a configuration database. You can probably pull this off in Java using the reflection API, but it won’t be pretty. Java discourages dynamic programming.
The Logix philosophy says if you want method modifiers, have a run-time representation, and a run-time mechanism for applying modifiers to a method. For example, modifiers could simply be a tuple of symbols (see 4.6 - Symbol Operator). The def operator could be modified to take a modifier operand on its left-hand-side, e.g.:
~static, ~synchronized def foo self: ...
Now suppose we have looked up our dynamic modifiers in the database, and have them in a variable mods (a tuple of symbols), we can define our method simply:
mods def foo self: ...
Building structures according to a grammar forces you to commit to those structures in your text editor. Building structures from operators allows for run-time dynamism.
Despite the restriction that Logix programs are nothing but large expressions built from operators, Logix tries to be as syntactically flexible as possible. For this reason, the ‘mini-grammar’ in a Logix operator can be not-so-mini. Logix encourages but does not enforce the “first-class, run-time representations for everything” principle. For example, Standard and Base Logix support list comprehensions, which have quite a complex syntactic structure. The components of a list comprehension (e.g. the for and if clauses) are not assembled by operators at run-time (that would probably be a dynamism too far!)
(Aside: because manipulating code programmatically is easy in Logix, you could in fact assemble a list comprehension, or anything else, at runtime – if you don’t mind the overhead of run-time parsing and code generation)
There may often be a need to emulate existing languages in Logix. For example, Base Logix is an emulation of Python. Because the emulated language will probably be grammar based, this can be tricky, and require some creative use of Logix's capabilities. For example, Python programmers probably think of the not in operator as a variant of the in operator. In Base Logix however, not in is implemented as a variant of the not operator – i.e. the not operator has an optional in extension. The emulation may be imperfect as a result, for example we cannot give not in a different binding-value to not.
The special operator defop is used to create a new operator. A defop at the top-level of a module creates a temporary operator – one that cannot be used outside of the module. By default, all languages have the defop operator (this behavior can be overridden).
The syntax of defop is:
defop ['l' | 'r' ]
[ <implementation> ]
In other words, the definition specifies:
We will start with a very simple prefix operator: >> as a shorthand for print:
[std]: defop 0 ">>" expr func x: print x
This reads as:
[std]: >> 45
The operand – in this case just a literal 45 – was evaluated, and passed to the operator function, which printed it.
[std]: >> "hi there " * 3
hi there hi there hi there
Here we see that * binds more tightly than >> because we gave 0 as the binding-value. You can also observe this by quoting the expression
[std]: `>> "hi there" * 3
<std~:>> (std:* 'hi there' 3)>
We will see more on quoting later, for now we just need to know that it returns the code as a data structure – an abstract syntax tree (AST) if you like (the data is considerably more straightforward than you might expect from an AST, for example that 3 is not something like an IntergerLiteralNode, it’s just a 3, an int). These data structures display in a manner that can be read as a fully parenthesized prefix notation, so they are ideal for testing how an expression was parsed. (note the language for the >> operator has displayed as “std~” as opposed to just std. The ~ indicates this is a temporary, local language.
We could easily define >> as a postfix operator
[std]: defop 0 expr ">>" func x: print x
[std]: 101 >>
The syntax has changed from ">>" expr to expr ">>". Either way, the operator-token is >>, which means the second defop has overwritten the previous one. In general, how does Logix derive the operator-token from the syntax definition?
The syntax definition must begin with
In either case, the operator-token is defined by the literal-rule.
We have so far seen how to create temporary operators. To define permanent operators that reside in a language, we have to use deflang to create a new language. We will have a proper look at deflang in 7.7 Multiple Languages, but a quick sneak peak will be useful at this point.
deflang myLanguage:
defop ...
defop ...
This creates a new language myLanguage. Any defop inside the deflang adds an operator to the language.
Logix provides a custom language for defining syntax. We have already seen some features of this language:
If you are familiar with parser toolkits, you may be expecting to see some variant of BNF. Logix syntax definitions are similar to BNF, but what is that expr rule? Is expr a non-terminal symbol – a named rule defined elsewhere? No. Because Logix syntax is operator based, not grammar based, the meaning of expr is hard-wired. It means ‘parse any valid expression in this language’. Every time you add an operator to the language, it can be used wherever any expression is expected.
We can do quite a lot with just expr, literal rules and sequences, e.g.
Prefix operator: |
"not" expr |
Postfix operator: |
expr "++" |
Infix operator: |
expr "+" expr |
Mixfix operator: |
expr "?" expr ":" expr |
Keyword: |
"break" |
Before delving into the rest of the syntax language, lets take a look at binding and associativity. We will use quoting to see how Logix has combined the operators into an expression.
[std]: defop 50 expr && expr
[std]: defop 40 expr || expr
[std]: `a && b || c # && binds
more tightly
<std:|| (std:&& a b) c>
We can of course be explicit using parentheses, but look carefully at the code-data.
[std]: `a && (b || c)
<std:&& a (std:( (std:|| b c))>
The parentheses don’t just reshape the code-data, they appear as part of the code-data. Parentheses in Logix are just another operator – they can perform computation if you like.
Now let’s change the operator precedence.
[std]: defop 60 expr || expr # || now binds more
tightly than &&
[std]: `a && b || c
<std~:&& a (std:|| b c)>
Now take a look at associativity
[std]: ` a && b && c
<std~:&& (std:&& a b) c>
The operator is left associative – this is the default. Let’s change it.
[std]: defop r 50 expr && expr
[std]: ` a && b && c
<std~:&& a (std:&& b c)>
OK – time to take a wider look at the syntax language
Rule |
Matches |
rule1 rule2 ... rulen |
A sequence of terms in the given order |
"..." |
The given literal text |
expr |
Any expression in the language |
term |
A single term of an expression (see below) |
symbol |
A Python
identifier (i.e. a name) |
token |
Any single token |
block |
A indentation delimited block of lines |
eol |
An end-of-line token |
rule + |
One or more occurrences of rule |
rule * |
Zero or more occurrences of rule |
rule1 | rule2 | ... | rulen |
Choice between n alternative rules |
[ rule ] |
Optional rule |
freetext /regex/ |
See the later section on free-text |
freetext upto /regex/ |
optext /regex/ |
We shall see these in action in some examples from Base and Standard Logix.
The is / is not operator from Python:
defop 35 expr "is" ["not"] expr
Python dict literals:
defop 0 "{" [ expr ":" expr ("," expr ":" expr)* ] "}"
Python’s import:
defop 0 "import" symbol ("." symbol)* ["as" symbol]
Python's print statement:
defop 15 "print" ( ">>" expr [("," expr)+ [","]]
| [expr ("," expr)* [","]] )
Notice how similar this is to the Python’s grammar production for print.
Compound statements like if and for are also just operators:
defop 0 "if" expr ":" block
( [eol] "elif" expr ":" block )*
[ [eol] "else" ":" block ]
defop 0 "for" expr "in" expr ":"
[ [eol] "else" ":" block]
Note the use of an optional eol to allow these statements to continue over more than one line.
[Note: term is probably the wrong, er, term for this concept – it needs changing]
As well as the expr rule, the syntax language provides a term rule, which was described above as describing a single term of an expression. More specifically, a term is:
Here, by prefix operator we mean any operator with no left-hand-side (the right-hand-side may be arbitrarily complex), and by infix operator, we mean any operator that does have a left-hand-side (again, the right-hand-side may be complex). For example, a list comprehension is considered a prefix operator for these purposes.
We can see then, for example, a function call in Standard Logix, such as
f x y z
is not a valid term – there are no infix operators to join the parts together.
The meaning of expr varies from language to language, and we shall come back to it in 7.7 Multiple Languages.
In Base Logix an expr will match a function call or a subscript, or a sequence of both (term will not). In Standard Logix, an expr will match a function call.
The syntax language is flexible enough to define syntax that will not parse properly. Logix is alpha enough to leave you pretty much on your own in this regard. In the future there will be some formal rules, and Logix will enforce them as far as possible.
For the time being, the most important rule concerns defining choices. The parser will attempt to recognize the rules in the order they appear in the syntax definition (left to right). If a match is found the parser moves on, so put more specific rules first. For example, notice how the order of the alternatives in the above syntax for print is reversed compared to the standard Python grammar production.
As in Lisp, Logix programs are just Logix data. Whereas Lisp programs made from lists of lists, Logix programs are made from a richer (but just as easily manipulated) data structure. We call this code-data.
Both the parser and compiler are fully available at run-time.
The structure of code-data is determined by the syntax of the operators. When you define an operator with defop, Logix creates a corresponding class. Occurrences of the operator in your source become instances of this class in the code-data.
In general, code-data is comprised of
The basic data types become the equivalent literal values in the compiled program. Symbols become variable names.
You can experiment with the parsing of source-code into code-data using the back-quote. For example, observe that numeric literals in the source simply become the equivalent run-time value in code-data:
[std]: `1
While names become symbols
[std]: `a
You can experiment with the compilation process using logix.eval which compiles and evaluates the code-data you pass, and returns the result. For example, observe that basic literals evaluate to themselves:
[std]: logix.eval `1
[std]: logix.eval `a
NameError: name 'a' is not defined
[std]: a = 10
[std]: logix.eval `a
You can also see from this example that the eval method uses the existing environment.
Structured code-data is created when operators are parsed. For example
[std]: defop 50 expr '+++' expr func a b: a+b
[std]: exp = `a +++ b
[std]: exp
<std~:+++ a b>
[std] type exp
<operator std~ +++>
[std]: vars exp
{'__operands__': [a, b]}
[std]: exp/0
[std]: exp/1
[std]: a, b = 1, 2
[std]: logix.eval exp
The type <operator std~ +++> is in fact a dynamically created class (created when we executed the defop). From the source-code “a +++ b” the parser built an instance of this class, with the operands stored in an flist in the __operands__ attribute. The operands are also available via the subscript operator, as seen above.
If the syntax defines an operand as optional, the value in the code-data will be None when that operand is omitted.
[std]: defop 50 [expr] '+++' [expr]
[std]: `1 +++
<std~:+++ 1 None>
[std]: `+++ 1
<std~:+++ None 1>
[std]: `+++
<std~:+++ None None>
Repeating structures generate multiple operands
[std]: defop 50 '+++' (expr ".")*
[std]: `+++ 1. 2. 3.
<std~:+++ 1 2 3>
[std]: `+++
Notice that the literal “.” does not appear in the code-data. The literal is assumed to be merely delimiting the syntax, and of no subsequent interest. An exception to this rule occurs when the literal is optional, in this case the programmer will want to know if the literal appeared or not:
[std]: defop 50 '+++' expr ['!']
[std]: `+++ 1
<std~:+++ 1 None>
[std]: `+++ 1 !
<std~:+++ 1 '!'>
More accurately, a literal that appears in a sequence of syntax rules, is dropped. So the literal in the sequence (expr '.') was dropped, while the literal in ['!'] was kept.
Parsing a choice rule results in the code-data from whichever choice matched
[std]: defop 50 '+++' ("/" expr | ":" expr "." expr)
[std]: `+++ / a
<std~:+++ a>
[std]: `+++ : a . b
<std~:+++ a b>
The astute reader may anticipate a problem:
[std]: defop 50 '+++' ("/" expr | ":" expr)
[std]: `+++ / a
<std~:+++ a>
[std]: `+++ : a
<std~:+++ a>
Both alternatives parsed into identical code-data, making it impossible for the to distinguish between the two. The solution brings us to a new topic – syntax annotation.
The syntax language supports annotations that provide control over the structure of the resulting code-data. There are three kinds of annotation: rule names, optional-rule alternatives and trivial rules.
Rule names allow operands to be indexed by name rather than position:
[std]: defop 50 $left:expr '+++' $right:expr
[std]: exp = ` 1 +++ 2
[std]: exp
<std~:+++ right=2 left=1>
[std]: exp/left
[std]: exp/right
For any non-trivial operator, it is advisable to use names for the operands - your implementation function will be more resilient to changes in your syntax.
If the named rule is a sequence or a repeating rule, a nested flist appears in the code-data:
[std]: defop 0 'myfrom' $module:(symbol ("." symbol)*)
("," symbol)*)
[std]: `myfrom a.b.c import x, y, z
<std~:myfrom names=[x, y, z] module=[a, b, c]>
If an anonymous sub-list is required, The name can be omitted:
[std]: defop 0 'myfrom' $:(symbol ("." symbol)*)
$:(symbol ("," symbol)*)
[std]: `myfrom a.b.c import x, y, z
<std~:myfrom [a, b, c] [x, y, z]>
Optional-rule alternatives allow an alternative value to appear in the code-data when the optional syntax is not present.
[std]: defop 50 '+++' [expr]/boo
[std]: `+++
<std~:+++ 'boo'>
‘-’ has a special meaning: omit the operand altogether.
[std]: defop 50 '+++' [expr]/-
[std]: `+++ a
<std~:+++ a>
[std]: `+++
As we have seen, the default alternative in None. When an optional rule is named however, the alternative defaults to omit ‘-’:
[std]: defop 0 "+++" $a:[expr]
[std]: `+++ 1
<std~:+++ a=1>
[std]: `+++
A trivial-rule is a rule that always matches and consumes no input. It is given a label that appears in the code-data as a string. These are particularly useful for identifying which path was selected in a choice rule:
[std]: defop 50 '+++' (<colon> ":" expr | <slash> "/"
[std]: `+++ /1
<std~:+++ 'slash' 1>
[std]: `+++ :1
<std~:+++ 'colon' 1>
Another use of a trivial-rule is in adding a null choice to a choice rule
[std]: defop 50 '+++' ( <colon> ":" expr
| <slash> "/" expr
| <nothing>)
[std]: `+++
<std~:+++ 'nothing'>
In this situation, you may want to omit the label:
[std]: defop 50 '+++' ( <colon> ":" expr
| <slash> "/" expr
| <>)
[std]: `+++
A further use of this empty trivial-rule, is in omitting literals from the code-data. Recall that literals that occur in a sequence of rules are dropped. In this example
[std]: defop 50 "foo" ("!" | expr "?")
The “!” is not in a sequence, and hence will appear in the code data.
[std]: `foo !
<std~:foo "!">
Whereas in this definition
[std]: defop 50 "foo" ("!" <> | expr "?")
The “!” is in a sequence, and hence will be dropped from the code data.
[std]: `foo !
To see more examples of code-data, have a look at the definitions in logix/std.lx and logix/base.lx, and try quoting some of the Standard and Base Logix operators.
Logix has powerful facilities for creating languages that incorporate unparsed text or free-text. These features can be used to create simple things like string or regex literals, or entire languages such as XML, where the text outside of tags should not be parsed. You could also create literate programming languages where only text specially marked will be parsed – the rest is documentation.
Free-text parsing is available through the syntax-rules freetext and optext.
The freetext syntax-rule is used for recognizing blocks of pure text, where the parser will not look inside the text at all (except to see where it ends).
freetext /<regex>/
freetext upto /<regex>/
The regex defines where the free-text will end. If upto is present, the regex defines the terminator, for example:
[std]: defop 0 '"' freetext upto /"/
(This is not a very good string literal operator, because it doesn’t support escaped quotes inside the string.)
Without the upto, the regex specifies what will be included in the free-text:
[std]: defop 0 'name:' freetext /[a-z]*/ func x: x
[std]: name:tom
The upto version can match free-text over multiple lines, whereas without upto, it is a syntax error if the terminator is not found on the current-line.
With upto, there is some control over where normal parsing will resume. Usually, the terminator will be discarded and parsing will resume immediately after. If however, the regex match contains a parenthesized group, parsing will resume at the start of the group. This allows tricks such as
defop 0 "text" freetext upto /(!|\?)/ ("!" ... | "?" ...)
In this example, the syntax of the remainder of the rule depends on whether the text ended with “!” or with “?”.
The optext syntax rule is also used to recognize free-text, but with optext, the parser looks inside the free-text for operators. This allows us to have text with embedded operators, like XML tags for example.
optext /<regex>/
optext@<language> /<regex>/
The regex always defines the terminator (as in freetext upto). It will generally be necessary to define a separate language with the operators that can be embedded in the text, and specify that language with the @ clause.
There is a restriction on the kinds of operators that can be embedded in optext. The operators must:
In the second case – when the operator is not enclosed, the parser will continue parsing the right-hand-side until the end of the line. Note that line continuation rules (i.e. using indentation) still apply. Once the end of the line is reached, the parser goes back to recognizing free-text.
This example shows how to implement a sub-set of XML (with no attributes or empty tags).
deflang xmlcontent:
defop 0 "<" $tag:freetext /[a-z0-9\-\:\.\_]+/
$content:optext /</
"/" $endTag:freetext /[a-z0-9\-\:\.\_]+/ ">"
defop 0 "<xml>" optext@xmlcontent /<\/xml>/
(Checking that the start and end tags match up will have to be done by the implementation function.)
Not surprisingly, free-text rules insert strings into the code data. Each occurrence of a freetext, will create a single string in the code-data.
[std]: defop 0 '"' freetext upto /"/
[std]: `"a string!"
<std~:" 'a string!'>
With optext the result is a list, alternating between strings and operators. The following example uses the xmllang from the previous section.
[xmllang]: `<xml>Hey - it's like xml!</xml>
<xmllang:<xml> "Hey - it's like xml!">
[xmllang]: `<xml>Hey - it's <i>like</i>
<xmllang:<xml> "Hey - it's "
(xmlcontent:< content=['like']
' xml!'>
We have already had a sneak preview of making these operators do something. We defined a simple alias for print.
[std]: defop 0 ">>" expr func x: print x
The operator is implemented with a function (as opposed to a macro); the single operand is passed to the argument x, and is printed.
As we saw previously, the syntax of defop is:
defop ['l' | 'r' ]
[ <implementation> ]
Where <implementation> is:
('func' | 'macro') <argument-spec> ':' block
<argument-spec> is the same as for regular functions in Standard Logix, or if you prefer, it is like a Python argument list without the parentheses or commas. (Note operator arguments do not yet support argument predicates. They will!).
When the implementation begins func, the operator is implemented as a function. Any unnamed operands are passed to the function as positional arguments, in the same order that they appear in the syntax definition. Any named operands are passed as keyword arguments.
When operands are optional, you will generally want to provide a default value for the corresponding argument:
[std]: defop 0 ">>" $val:[expr] func val='huh?': print
[std] >> 'hi'
[std] >>
For operators defined in this way, the function is available at run-time. You can access it using the operator-quote ‘``’. When Logix encounters an operator-quote, it next parses a single token and returns the operator that token represents.
[std]: defop 0 "+++" expr func x: x + 1
[std]: ``+++
<operator std +++>
The operator function is available via the func attribute.
[std]: map [1..3] ``+++.func
[2, 3, 4]
When the implementation begins macro, the operator is implemented as a compile-time macro. If you are a Lisper, you are on familiar ground – the design of Logix’s macro system was heavily influenced by Lisp macros. If you are not familiar with Lisp (or similar) macros, things are about to get interesting!
Logix macro operators are implemented by a function, just like the regular operators we have already seen. The difference is that this function is called during the macro-expansion phase – after parsing and before compilation. With regular operators, the operands are first evaluated, and the results are passed to the implementation function. With macro operators, the operands are parsed, and the resulting code-data is passed to the implementation function. The function assembles and returns some new code-data, which is inserted into the overall parsed code in place of the original macro call.
By way of a simple example, we can create a macro that ‘zaps’ a variable (sets its value to None). It is generally a good starting point to think about the kind of code you want to generate. In this case
x = None
What would the equivalent code-data look like? We can find out with the back-quote operator
[std]: `x = None
<std:= x None>
To produce that structure programmatically, we can use the operator-quote.
[std]: ``= ~x None
<std:= x None>
Here, ``= returned the operator class. We instantiated the object in the normal way – simply by calling the class, passing the operands as arguments.
We can verify this works correctly using logix.eval.
[std]: x = 108
[std]: logix.eval (``= ~x None)
[std]: x is None
We can now build the zap operator:
[std]: defop 0 'zap' expr macro placex: ``= placex None
[std]: x = 108
[std]: zap x
[std]: x is None
The only difference in our code-data is that the target of the assignment is now parameterized. We used the name placex, because the target of the zap is not a variable, but any assignable place, e.g.:
[std]: zap foo.baa.zob
The x suffix is conventional – an abbreviation for expression, i.e. the parameter is a place expression. The suffix reminds the reader that the variable holds an expression (i.e. some code-data), not a run-time value.
Two useful functions for learning about and debugging macros are logix.macroexpand and logix.macroexpand1. They both take a some code-data, perform macro expansion, and return the result. macroexpand can be passed any code-data, and expands all macros it contains. If the resulting code-data also contains macro operators, these are also expanded, and so on until no macro operators remain. macroexpand1 expands only a single macro at the top level of the passed expression.
For example:
[std]: logix.macroexpand `zap x
(base.= x None)
We introduced a technique here which is very useful when writing macros: before starting, use the back-quote operator to discover what kind of code-data we should assemble. Here, for example, is the count-upto macro (from the introduction to macros). First we should see what a simple counting loop looks like as code-data:
[std]: `for i in [0..i]: dosomething
<base:for i (std:[ 0 i 'range') body=[dosomething]>
Now we can define the operator:
[std]: defop 0 "count" expr "upto" expr ":" block
placex tox body:
``for placex (``[ 0 tox 'range') body=body
[std]: count i upto 3: print i
If you think the above code-data expression looks somewhat painful, you’re right! You should learn about quasiquoting.
Implementing macros is much easier using quasiquoting, for example the previous count-upto macro looks like this:
[std]: defop 0 "count" expr "upto" expr ":" block
placex tox body:
`for \placex in [0..\tox]: \*body
The back-quote operator we have been using all along is in fact a quasiquote operator, which means it has extra smarts when used in conjunction with the quote-escape operator ‘\’ (equivalent to the comma in Lisp – we prefer to keep the comma free for other uses). Quasiquoting is a templating mechanism. With it you can generate code-data easily, by plugging parameterized code-data into a known template structure. For example:
[std]: varname = ~foo
[std]: ` \varname = None
<std:= foo None>
The quote expression returned an assignment expression as expected, but the target of the assignment (foo) came not from the quoted code, but from a run-time value – the contents of the variable varname. The \ operator is called quote-escape because its operand is not quoted – it is evaluated, and the result is plugged into the resulting code-data.
With this simple extension of the quote operator, we can now use quoting in our macro implementations. Here is zap revisited:
[std]: defop 0 'zap' expr macro placex: ` \placex = None
The code-data to perform the assignment now looks pretty much like a regular assignment statement. The only difference is that the target of the assignment is escaped (or, if you prefer, parameterized), because it will vary from one application of zap to the next.
When creating macros, you need to be aware of an issue known as variable capture. Consider this operator:
defop 0 'repeat' expr ':' expr
macro countx exp: `for i in range \countx:
Nice and easy right? Wrong!
[std]: i = 'crucially important data'
[std]: repeat 2: print i
[std]: i
The expanded code modified the variable i, which happened to be in use!
Whenever your macro-generated code required variables, you need to pick a name that you know will not be in use. Fortunately there is an operator that does this for you. gensyms creates symbols with names that are guaranteed to be distinct from any other names that might be in use.
[std]: gensyms a b
[std]: a
[std]: b
A correct implementation of repeat would look like:
defop 0 'repeat' expr ':' expr
macro countx exp:
gensyms i
`for \i in range
\countx: \exp
Note that gensyms is part of Standard Logix. To create a gensym from other languages, call the function logix.gensym(). The function can be passed an optional string which will be incorporated into the name of the gensym (which helps make macro-generated code-data more readable).
We have seen how the quote-escape operator inserts a single value into quoted code-data. Sometimes we may need to insert all the items from a sequence, i.e. to ‘splice’ the sequence into the code-data. The \* operator does this. You may have noticed it being used in count-upto:
[std]: defop 0 "count" expr "upto" expr ":" block
placex tox body:
`for \placex in [0..\tox]: \*body
Because the parameter body comes from a block operand, it will contain a sequence of statements. These statements need to be spliced into the code-data in order to generate the correct structure.
The code that a macro expands to will often need to access specific modules or functions. The macro implementer needs to take care because there is no relying on the namespace where the macro is expanded. The local-module-escape “\@” provides a convenient means to access the macro-defining module, from the expanded code (i.e. in the macro-using module).
In the following example, the expanded code needs access to the re module.
import re
deflang relang:
defop 0 "regex" symbol ":" freetext /.*/
macro name r: ` \name =
\ \r.strip()
The \@ expands to (code that evaluates to) a reference to the current module.
Sometimes, it is necessary to nest a quoted expression inside another quote. This is most common when defining macro-defining macros (yes, a macro can expand to a defop – it works!). To escape both the quotes, use a double escape, i.e. ‘\\’. In general, multiple backslashes may be used together and each one will escape one quote. By way of an example, the operator makePrinterOp is a macro defining macro. It creates a new operator that simply prints itself. (the operator lit creates a literal-rule in the syntax, it is only generally used in operator-defining macros.)
[std]: defop 0 "makePrinterOp" symbol
s = str sym
`defop 0 lit \s macro: `print \\s + '!'
[std]: makePrinterOp argh
[std]: argh
Usually, the expansion of a macro is entirely determined by its contents. In other words, the macro function is a pure-function, where the result depends only on the arguments.
In a few situations however, it is necessary to build macros where the expanded code also depends on the context of the macro. An example of this is the breakwith macro from Standard Logix. The result of the breakwith expression needs to be assigned to a temporary variable – a gensym which is created in the surrounding valfor macro.
If a macro function defines an argument __context__, it will be passed a MacroContext object. The object is like a dict with support for nested scopes. Any value set in the context will be available to nested macros in the same module, unless the value is shadowed by a nested macro.
For an example, see the definition of valfor/breakwith in Standard Logix.
Logix is a multi-language programming system. There may be many languages in existence at one time, and we can freely switch between them. In this section we shall look at how to switch between languages, how to create new languages and how to create operators that elegantly combine multiple languages.
setlang switches to a different current language. It takes a single operand – a language object. We have seen three languages in this tutorial: Standard and Base Logix, and the syntax-rule language. The corresponding language objects are available via the logix module.
[std]: def f a b: a+b
[std]: setlang logix.baselang
[base]: f(1,3)
[base]: setlang logix.stdlang
[std]: f 1 3
[std]: setlang logix.syntaxlang
[syntax]: expr '+' expr
<SequenceRule (expr "+" expr)>
If you ignored the above warning, have fun trying to get back to logix.stdlang! The syntax language does not have the dot or the setlang operator. If you are in IPython, with a magic-command to get back to Python, you are in luck:
[syntax]: lx
In [40]: # Now in Python
In [41]: __currentlang__ = logix.stdlang
In [42]: lx
From which we can also see that the interactive Logix top-level stores the current language in __currentlang__.
Another use of setlang is to create a block-local language. If you place a setlang statement in a block, the remainder of the block (or up to the next setlang) will be parsed in the specified language.
The setlang operator can be used in source files in the same manner as we have seen here.
Some important points to be aware of:
We have seen how to use defop to create (or redefine) operators. So far, the operators have been temporary – not part of a language that can be re-used in other parts of the program. As well as at the top-level, defop can be used with a deflang.
deflang <name> [ "(" <base-language> ")" ] ":" <body>
deflang creates a new language (an instance of logix.Language). Inside the body, the new language can be populated with operators and other features. The body of a deflang is the only place, other than the top-level, that a defop can be used.
Here is a simple language that only knows how to do one thing: add.
[std]: deflang addlang:
: defop 50 expr
"+" expr func a b: a+b
Here is how to experiment with the new language:
[std]: std =
(we’ll need this in a
[std]: setlang addlang
(numeric literals
[addlang]: "a"
(even string literals are
language-defined operators)
[addlang]: 1 + 2
[addlang]: 1 – 2
(the language only has the + operator)
setlang std
Did it surprise you that setlang was available? It was inherited. The language that defines setlang (as well as defop, deflang and a few others) is the default base-language. More on language inheritance in 7.7.7 Language Inheritance.
As well as operator definitions, deflang can contain regular statements. In a similar fashion to Python classes, any variables created in the block become attributes of the language. This gives us a convenient place to implement support functions for operators. This is a ridiculous example but you get the idea:
deflang addlang:
def add a b: a + b
defop 50 expr "+" expr func a b: addlang.add a
Note the local function was accessed as an attribute of the language object.
Inside the deflang, a setlang can be used to switch to an alternative implementation language. It is even possible to setlang to the language being created. If you do this, the new operators will become available one by one, as they are defined.
We have seen that the meaning of expr is dependent on the language. It is defined by a special operator called the continuation operator. An expr is like a term, but where the end of a term would be, the parser continues parsing the expr according to the syntax of the continuation operator.
Recall that the following Standard Logix function call is not a valid term.
f x y z
There are no infix operators to join the parts together. You can think of the continuation operator as an invisible infix operator that is inserted where a term would end. If the operator was visible and explicit, the above function call might look like
f __continue__ x y z
Which would be valid syntax, if the operator was defined something like this:
defop 100 expr "__continue__" term*
To define the continuation operator for a language, include a definition just like this one, except for one difference. The left-hand-side of the continuation operator is not specified, so the definition would actually look like
defop 100 "__continue__" term*
The continuation operator is not used explicitly of course. If a language included the above definition, the original statement:
f x y z
would be valid.
In code-data, the continuation operator is displayed as an operator with no token:
[std]: `f a + b
<std:+ (std: f a) b>
Note how the plus is displayed “std:+” whereas the continuation operator that combined the f and a is simply “std:”.
To evaluate a sub-expression in a given language, use the switchlang operator:
(:<language> <expression-in-that-language>)
For example, we can use the operator to create syntax-rules
[std]: print (:logix.syntaxlang 'a' 'b')
<SequenceRule ("a" "b")>
As with setlang, the expression that defines the language will be evaluated at parse-time, as if it was at the top-level (see 7.7.1 setlang)
The syntax-rule language has another trick up its sleeve. The language of an operand may be specified using ‘@’.
[std]: rl = logix.syntaxlang
[std]: defop 0 "printrule" expr@rl func x: print x
[std]: printrule 'a' 'b'+ block
<SequenceRule ("a" "b"+ block)>
As well as specifying a language, you can use @^ to specify the operand should be parsed in whatever language was in effect prior to the current language.
[Need an example]
In the previous example, we had to employ the local variable rl, since the dot cannot be used within the syntax definition. An alternative is to use the outer-language operator:
(^ <expr>)
which simply evaluates an expression in the language that was in effect prior to the current language. There is often a need to embed a general expression (e.g. a Standard Logix expression) inside a domain-specific expression (e.g. a syntax-rule expression). This is the purpose of the outer language operator.
Here is printrule again using the outer-language operator.
defop 0 "printrule" expr@(^logix.syntaxlang) func x: print x
Note that you could define the outer-language operator yourself:
defop 0 "(^" expr@^ ")" func x: x
Often, one does not want to define an entire language from scratch, but to create a language that is mostly like some existing language, with some new or redefined operators. Logix supports this through language inheritance. The deflang operator allows a (single) base-language to be specified, for example:
[std]: deflang mylang(logix.stdlang):
: ...
In this example, the new language inherits all of the Standard Logix operators. New operators may be added, and existing ones redefined.
When no base language is specified, it defaults to logix.langlang. To create a completely empty language with no operators at all:
[std]: deflang empty(None):
: ...
Language inheritance is useful when you want to create a new language that is largely like an existing language. An alternative facility for reusing existing operators is getops.
getops <language> [, <operator> <operator> ...]
getops is for the situation where a new language is mostly unlike existing languages, but you wish to reuse a few existing operators.
[std]: setlang logix.baselang
[base]: 1 isa int
1 isa int
SyntaxError: unexpected 'isa'
[base]: getops logix.stdlang, isa *>
[base]: 1 isa int
[base]: [1, 2, 3] *> lambda x: x*2
[2, 4, 6]
In this example the imported operators are temporary – they will be lost on the next setlang. To make them permanent members of a language, use getops inside a deflang.
deflang mylang:
getops stdlang, { forany forall
... rest of language definition (may include
more getops)
Note that we always mention the operator simply by giving the operator token. That is why the previous example has the unusual appearance of an open brace without the corresponding close brace (to import the lightweight lambda syntax {...}).
Another benefit of getops is that it allows libraries to provide special-purpose operators in a language neutral manner. To see the benefit consider the following definition which creates a new language, adding some XML-like syntax to Standard Logix.
deflang xmllang(logix.stdlang):
defop 0 "<xml>" ...
The commitment to Standard Logix is unfortunate – why can’t Base Logix code also have access to this operator? Worse, what happens if we have many such languages, each that add one or two operators to Standard Logix? How do we combine them if our program needs several of the new operators?
A better approach is to use getops. First, define xmllang so that it does not extend Standard Logix.
deflang xmllang:
defop 0 "<xml>" optext@xmlcontent
Next, in the module where the XML syntax is required:
import xmllang
getops xmllang.xmllang, <xml>
Again, bear in mind that in this example, the imported operator is temporary – it will be lost on the first setlang.
Finally, a getops that specifies no operators will import all the operators from a given language. For example:
import xmllang
getops xmllang.xmllang
As has been described, each defop creates a new class to represent the defined operator in code-data. By default, the class has the base class
You can customize this behavior by assigning your own class to the language attribute operatorBase inside a deflang. If you set this attribute to a custom class, it is advisable that the class inherits from BaseOperator.