Logix 60 Second Intro

For those that like to cut to the chase, here's a little bit of Logix to take a look at. If you find this makes little sense, try the documentation.

Logix is (or rather, can be) just like Python, for example (this is the Logix interactive top-level):

[base]: isinstance(10, int)

In Logix, syntax can be extended at any time using defop. How about (just by way of an example) a nice infix syntax to replace that isinstance function:

[base]: defop 50 expr "isa" expr func ob typ:
      :     return isinstance(ob, typ)

We just added a new infix operator isa to the language, implemented as a regular function (note the func keyword). Now we can do (note we're still just typing at the interactive prompt):

[base]: 'a' isa str

How about adding C's "? :" operator? That can't be implemented as a function, since it evaluates its arguments conditionally. Fortunately, Logix has full procedural macros. Note the use of lisp-like quasiquoting.

[base]: defop 10 expr "?" expr ":" expr macro test iftrue iffalse:
: return `if \test: \iftrue else: \iffalse [base]: 3 > 2 ? "yes" : "no" 'yes'

Using defop, entire languages can be created - either from scratch, or by extending and combining existing languages. To see how, try the documentation.